Monday, November 2, 2015


Report Abuse/Neglect of Individuals

Helping Families. Supporting Communities. Empowering Individuals.

Persons with Mental Illness or Developmental Disability
OIG 24-hour Hotline 1-800-368-1463

To report abuse/neglect of persons with a mental illness or a developmental disability at a DHS-operated facility, call the OIG 24-hour Hotline 1-800-368-1463 Voice/TTY.
All other calls will be referred to the DHS Customer Help Line:
  • (800) 843-6154 English or Español
  • (800) 447-6404 TTY
Si usted sospecha que un individuo discapacitado ha sido abusado, descuidado o estafado económicamente, repórtelo a la Oficina del Inspector General del DHS al: 1-800-368-1463Voz/TTY.
    Todas las otras llamadas serán transferidas a laLínea de Ayuda para Clientes del DHS:
    • (800) 843-6154 inglés o español
    • (800) 447-6404 TTY

    Other Allegations of Abuse/Neglect

    For other allegations of abuse/neglect of individuals, please use the contact information below. 
    DHS Local Office Staff
    Domestic Violence Help Line
    • Call toll free, Confidential, 24 Hour, Multilingual
      1-877-863-6338 (Voice)
      1-877-863-6339 (TTY)
    Education of a Child
    with Learning Disability
    Elder Abuse
    (not in a Nursing Home)
    Abuse/Neglect of a person with a mental illness/developmental disability in a Domestic Setting
    • Adult Protective Services at 1-866-800-1409
    Health Professionals
    Hospitals or Nursing Homes
    Human Rights Violation
    Minors (children under 18)
    National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC)
    • 24 Hour Hotline: 1-888-373-7888
    • If you or someone you know is a victim of human trafficking call now.

    Quick Links


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