Friday, November 6, 2015

ROFMLO !!! #JEWISH Guaed kills 3 #MUSLIM terrorists in 2 weeks @Sheva

Corporal T. named as hero who took down today's would-be stabber - just last week he eliminated two others who stabbed his comrade.

IDF Corporal T., a combat warrior in the Shimshon Battalion of the Kfir Brigade, was named Thursday as the soldier who earlier in the day shot dead an Arab terrorist trying to conduct a stabbing attack at Gush Etzion Junction in Judea.

In the incident, the terrorist from Hevron approached a bus station at the junction, but before he was able to wound anyone T., who was stationed at the site, spotted him and began standard procedures to arrest a terror suspect.

The terrorist then whipped out a knife and tried to stab the soldier stationed with T., but he beat terrorist to the punch, shooting him dead where he stood.

"As I was securing the Gush (Etzion) Junction we spotted the suspect," described T. "We called for him to cross the road to us, and when he arrived he pulled out a knife with the intention to stab my comrade who was with me."

"At that moment I cocked my weapon and shot him."
However, this not T.'s first time eliminating terrorists - just last week he took out two others.

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