Friday, November 6, 2015

Black Unemployment Rate More Than Double Rate of Whites ! @CBN

By Michael W. Chapman | November 6, 2015 | 10:36 AM EST

(AP photo)
( – The latest numbers on unemployment in the United States show the black unemployment rate in October was 9.2%, which is more than double the rate of white unemployment of 4.4%.
The numbers, released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), show that for white workers, 16 years and over, seasonally adjusted, the unemployment rate in October was 4.4% -- the same rate that it was for whites in September and August.
For blacks, 16 years and over, seasonally adjusted, the unemployment rate was 9.2% -- the same rate that it was in September, but down slightly from August’s rate of 9.5%.
While the unemployment rate for blacks was higher than for whites, it was also higher than that of Asians and Hispanics.
The BLS data show that the unemployment rate for Hispanics (or Latino), 16 years and older, seasonally adjusted, was 6.3% in October and for Asians it was 3.5%.
According to the Census Bureau, blacks make up 13.2% of the U.S. population; Hispanics or Latino, 17.4%; Asian 5.4%; and whites, 77.4%. 

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