Thursday, November 5, 2015

Behold ZION - your Eyes will see #Jerusalem !

Behold Zion, the city of our festivals; your eyes will see Jerusalem, the tranquil abode.

ISAIAH (33:20)

חֲזֵה צִיּוֹן קִרְיַת מוֹעֲדֵנוּ עֵינֶיךָ תִרְאֶינָה יְרוּשָׁלִַם נָוֶה שַׁאֲנָ

יְשַׁעְיָהוּ לג:כ

kha-zay tzee-yon kir-yat mo-a-day-nu; ay-ne-kha tir-e-na y'-ru-sha-la-yeem na-ve sha-a-na

Jerusalem Inspiration

When you take leave of the Western Wall, you take a few steps backwards, keeping
your eyes on the Wall. Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach said that we never stop looking towards Jerusalem, our holy city. "Have you ever seen how people who are in love say goodbye to one another? They can’t stop looking at one another. They don’t just say goodbye, turn around, and walk away. They keep looking at each other as they leave one another. So too we never stop looking toward Jerusalem!" No one loves Jerusalem more than those who defend it with their lives, and this sacrifice means more than ever today, when terror is on the rise and soldiers are under attack. Make a donation to LIBI this November in honor of the soldiers who have fallen and been injured ensuring that Jerusalem and Israel stays in Jewish hands!

Fortress of Greek Occupation in Jerusalem Unearthed

An important archaeological find has uncovered an ancient fortress which may have been used by the Greeks who oppressed the Jews, leading to the Maccabean revolt!

God Fights Satan With Miracles From Israel

Is the source of Israel’s innumerable contributions to the world the result of natural factors or a fulfillment of Biblical prophecy

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