Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Benefits of Social Media for Seniors

Posted on May 29, 2014

Benefits of Social Media for Seniors

When most people hear ‘social media,’ seniors don’t typically come to mind. However, seniors aged 65 and older represent one of the fastest growing age groups to use social media, according to NPR and the Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project. In fact, seniors are the fastest growing demographic on Facebook today. Older adults are learning that social media sites are easy to access and are user-friendly. They are also catching on quickly to all the benefits social media has to offer them. We’ve laid out 5 of the top benefits of social media for older adults.

1. Keep in touch. Social media sites such as Facebook offer seniors many ways to stay in touch with friends and family and to reconnect with people from your past. By keeping in touch, older adults can avoid feelings of loneliness and isolation that sometime occur as you age.

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