Herein lies the root of the problem with Islamic law. Unlike Jewish law, which pertains only to Jews or Canon Law, which pertains only to Christians, sharia law asserts its authority over non-Muslims. Islam is supremacist in nature.
Religious Jews are forbidden from eating pork but you never heard or saw them demanding that others follow suit. It would never enter their minds.
Wherever they immigrate they, slowly but surely, stat to make these demands on the host country. Chip, chip, chip. Accommodation gives way to more demands.
Muslim immigration presents a unique problem because a good number of Muslims come to the West with… a ready-made model of society that they believe is superior… that they wish to implement in the West.
In this case a respite care facility — home to people living with physical disabilities, sensory loss, brain injury or learning disabilities – patients were refused bacon sandwiches by Muslim staff members. It’s bad enough these people are sick, they have to be abused and denied by supremacist staff.

Council-run care home slammed as Muslim staff ‘refused to buy patients bacon butties due to religious beliefs’ By The Mirror, March 16, 2016:
Muslim staff at the Bradford Council-run care home were “restricting the person’s right to choice”, a report found
Intolerant Muslim staff at a Bradford Council-run care home stopped patients eating pork pies and bacon sandwiches because of their religious beliefs, a report found.
Inspectors blasted staff at the in-home care service at Wagtail Close in the Buttershaw area of the West Yorkshire city for restricting patient’s right of choice and not providing food that met their personal preferences.
One patient, who liked to have a bacon sandwich each morning, bought ham, sausages and pork pies when they went shopping.
But when staff were asked to buy or cook these products, they refused on the grounds it clashed with their cultural and lifestyle preferences.
Google Bradford Council run respite unit and in-home care service, Wagtail Close, West Yorkshire
Bradford Council run respite unit and in-home care service, Wagtail Close, West Yorkshire
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) report said complaints had been ignored on a number of occasions.
“This meant that staff were not providing support that was responsive to the person’s preferences and were restricting the person’s right to choice,” the report said.
“The person said they had raised their concern with senior staff members but nothing had been done about it.”
One patient was refused bacon sandwiches by a Muslim member of staff
Wagtail Close has a respite care facility and is home to people living with physical disabilities, sensory loss, brain injury or learning disabilities.
At the time of the inspection the service was providing respite care to just one person with 24 people living in its homes on the Close.
Care Quality Commission (CQC) inspectors also found staff training was not up to date and there was no system in place to overview accidents and keep check for any themes or trends.

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