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Wednesday, November 11, 2015
BDSM #Sex Club Whips River North Neighbors Into Frenzy
The club would open on the second floor of 356 W. Superior St. Inset: an interior shot from the club's website.View Full Caption
Google/Galleria Domain 2
RIVER NORTH — A private club for people into bondage and other kinks wants to open in River North, raising eyebrows from those who live nearby.
Galleria Domain 2, which currently operates a North Side club, this week posted a public notice for a new fetish lounge it wants to open at 356 W. Superior St.
The public notice. [DNAinfo/David Matthews]
The notice immediately drew alarm from some neighbors, who are now organizing an effort against the club, said Amanda Cespedes, who lives nearby with her husband and 7-month-old daughter. Cespedes said neighbors are emailing each other on their next steps, including possibly lobbying Ald. Brendan Reilly (42nd) to prevent the club from opening on their block.
"It’s not like we live in a dark alley or something. That’s the kind of place where I assume you wouldn’t want people to see you going in and out," Cespedes said. "Any person in any neighborhood across the country would not want a sex club across the street from their home."
Dave Matthews discusses why some neighbors are concerned:
According to its website, Galleria Domain 2 is a private club where members "meet people with similar interests, find fellowship, and learn about kink, leather, fetish and BDSM." Parties with "scenes" are held on weekends, but alcohol is not served andmembers agree to confidentiality agreements. The business currently has a club near Western and North avenues, according to its website.
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